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About us

The online marketplace for commercial wind projects

We connect operators, buyers, sellers and service providers and provide one-stop support for secure and complex wind farm transactions!

Digital and innovative!

Our motivation is clear and sustainable

"made in germany!"

As the leading online marketplace platform for buying and selling wind turbines, we are committed to ensuring that wind turbines are not simply scrapped after around 20 years of operation. These turbines can continue to generate environmentally friendly energy for many years to come. Our aim is to give them a second life, ideally abroad, in order to drive forward the energy transition as a whole and open up new growth markets for the German wind industry."

Everything from a single source!

We also support the sale of wind farms within Germany by providing expert assistance to buyers and sellers throughout the entire transaction process. For a sustainable future and a strong domestic wind energy industry.

Mission Vision

Our vision is to breathe new life into old wind turbines and thus make a decisive contribution to climate neutrality. We are excited about the possibility of having these plants produce green electricity for another 10-20 years after 20 years of operation.

1+1 = 3

As pioneers in the digital platform economy, we are determined to further develop into the central point of contact for this transformative project. Together with motivated partners, true to the motto "1+1=3", we will develop this platform into the digital ecosystem of the wind industry that will accelerate the global energy transition - and that "made in germany"!

How does work?

The platform connects wind turbine operators with verified buyers from all over the world, providing support with valuation, continued operation potential and transactions. All market participants benefit from the enormous reach of the world's largest marketplace, state-of-the-art technology and our wealth of data from the transaction volume of over EUR 10 billion since 2011.

Everything from a single source!

Our experts and network partners with many years of experience provide support in areas such as valuation, dismantling, transportation, reliable reconstruction and the complex transaction process. It is precisely this mix of success factors and "unfair competitive advantages" as an independent platform operator that makes us the ideal choice for an efficient sales process in which transparency, speed and expertise are paramount.


Profitez de plus de 12 ans de données sur les mouvements du marché de la première place de marché mondiale pour les parcs éoliens, les éoliennes d’occasion et les pièces détachées !
Premier marché mondial pour les projets éoliens commerciaux
Depuis 2012, nous sommes la première place de marché de l’industrie éolienne dans le monde entier !
Plus de 10 milliard de volume d’échange annoncé
Vous pouvez compter sur notre expérience dans la gestion de projets, même de grande envergure
Plus de 12.000 acheteurs et vendeurs
Atteignez des acheteurs et des vendeurs dans plus de 150 pays
Accès à des experts qualifiés
Des experts sélectionnés et qualifiés sont à vos côtés à tout moment
Projets vérifiés et acheteurs ayant une solvabilité appropriée
Bénéficiez d’un accès direct à des projets vérifiés et d’un marché d’acheteurs réputé !
Une coopération basée sur le succès sur un pied d’égalité
Profitez de notre service pour vous accompagner dans le processus de vente et d’achat, basé sur le succès, en toute sécurité et en toute transparence !